Rasa Blog

Incr-edible Rasa-misu 🍰
It's time for some Rasa Tiramisu ya'll!    Our love for the Rasa Fam is on a new level right now. We wanted to showcase...
Shark Week at Rasa: How We're Celebrating International Women's Day
In celebration of this day of all things women, I wanted to share a Rasa policy we recently rolled out to the bleeders on our team (side note: we lovingly acknowledge that not all who bleed are women, and not all women bleed. 💛)
Random Acts of Kindness
There was this kid who sat behind me in math class who was SO ANNOYING—his name was Pat. He happened to look uncannily like Napoleon...
Got Libido? A Valentine’s Message (with Experiments to Try!) from Lopa
(It’s that time of year that I talk about my sex life, lol...I share in hopes that even one iota of this will be of...
Fluffy Maple Rose Calm
Ditch the late night treats and settle in to an evening with a sweet and creamy Rasa brew. Made with our newest (& chillest) restorative tonic and dreamy coconut creamer. 
A Calm Start to A New Year
Lopa & Ben chat herbs, sourcing, benefits, & more about the newest and chillest addition to the Rasa family. 
The 6 Ancient Herbs of CALM
Step into a  decadent afternoon, after-dinner or pre-bedtime moment of repose and self care with your new favorite blend that makes you feel lavishly embodied & deeply relaxed
You know what they say, you can’t pour from an empty cup. And Ashwagandha is here to fill your cup till it overflows allllll the way down into the sweet Earth in nearly every possible way. 
What if you actually rested? A Love Letter from Lopa
Modern life isn’t kind to our nervous systems. Every day at 2PM, our team has the option to do a “Rasa moment.” It’s a way for our team to connect to our Truest Selves and each other. I’ve recorded one for you, too, here.
Lopa's Emotional Regulation Exercise & A Note from Team Rasa

Our team is committed to both healthily processing the emotions that keep arising—and then choosing to respond from a place of groundedness and values rather than reactivity. We are supremely imperfect at this and we are doing our best.

Monthly Love Letter - December 2020
The Ways We’re Experiencing Joy: Your Curated Monthly Love Letter from the Rasa Casa So, 2020. The year that’s destined to be an adjective—in a...
Celebrating Small (but mighty!) Business Saturday
We are a small business. Not tiny, not a one-woman show (by any means!) but we’re also not big enough to have 24 hour customer service. Speaking of 24/7 support (and how we don’t have it)...
Gateway to Gratitude: A Guided Meditation with Lopa

No matter how this year has been for you personally, it might be that gratitude is a little, ahem, further under the surface than usual. This 8 minute mini-meditation is an easy gateway into the love and happiness that are inherent within, no matter your current mood.

Elderberry Bear: Our Autumnal Playlist

Rasa’s Autumnal playlist is Called Elderberry Bear — a nod to the themes of our Elderberry Boost launch, and the way the herb shows up as a magical force in folklore, fairytales, and ancient herbal wisdom.

Monthly Love Letter - October 2020

Through heartbreak and laughter, we just keep going; greeting the sun with each new day. Here’s what’s healing us, making us quake with irreverent laughter, and humbling us as we move forward, step-by-step.

Say what? Elderberry tonic can do *that*?

Our Clinical Herbalist sits down with Lopa to discuss all things Elderberry!
- Elderberry’s amazing properties (hot damn they are impressive!)
- The deal with “fake” elderberry & real elderberry, plus how we source and quality control to deliver high-potency extracts & herbs (we are obsessive!)
- Why we super-duper need adaptogens in 2020

What the heck’s in Elderberry Boost?

Elderberry Boost is a full-bodied blend to build & maintain a resilient, adaptive immune system. This blend supports the many pathways through which immunity protects us; a potent mix of circulatory stimulants and aromatics complete this powerful tonic.

What the heck are adaptogens?

Adaptogens are a unique class of herbs that have been scientifically proven to help the body adapt to stress of all kinds, physical, emotional and environmental. They both enhance the body’s response to stress and minimize the damage caused by stress. How does this translate to how you feel?

Creating a different relationship with uncertainty & taking care of each other

As we near the change of seasons, uncertainty and anxiety loom in the air. “How bad will COVID be this winter?”, “Will we ever be an equitable society?”, and even “Will there be a civil war?”. These are all valid, and concerning, questions. It's an exceptionally uncertain time. That said. Is life ever actually certain?

Elderberry and Cytokine Storms

Elderberry is flying off the shelves and it’s also the center of a debate around cytokine storms. What started as a nuanced post by a fellow herbalist has turned into reductionist and extrapolative soundbites and memes. Can elderberry provoke a cytokine storm? The short answer: it’s highly unlikely.

What do boundaries have to do with immunity? Everything.

Immunity is a particularly important expression of boundaries. It is the physical interface between what’s in here and what’s out there; what’s me and what’s not me. If we want to remain centered and strong this winter, a resilient immune system is key.